Virtual Resources for Kids
(this list is currently being added to so check back often for updates)

If you're looking for fun online classes, activities and resources to help your kids learn or just to keep them busy, you'll find something here for every kid.
I'll be adding to this list as I come across new resources and will mark the new ones added with a different color so you'll know what's been added since last time you looked here. ;)
Please note that grade levels noted are only suggested and I haven't researched every single listing here myself, so please do your own research and use what you think is best for your child. This is a resource list only so use as you see fit for your own needs.
Home Reading Helper Focus: Resources for reading, writing, vocabulary, and comprehension
Grades: K-12
Khan Academy Kids Focus: Reading and writing games
Grades: K-12
PBS Learning Media Focus: Videos, lessons, and interactive content on English/Language Arts
Grades: K-12
National Geographic Education Focus: Lessons and activities on language arts
Grades: K-12
Khan Academy Kids Focus: Math activities and games
Grades: K-12
Khan Academy Focus: Math lessons
Grades: K-12
PBS Learning Media Focus: Videos, lessons, and interactive content on math, science, technology
Grades: K-12
National Geographic Education Focus: Lessons and activities on math, science, technology
Grades: K-12
The Kid Should See This Focus: Curated videos on STEAM
Grades: K-12 Focus: Live cam feeds of animals
Grades: K-12
COMPUTER SCIENCE Focus: Computer science lessons
Grades: K-12
Focus: Computer science lessons
Grades: 3-12
PBS Learning Media Focus: Videos, lessons, and interactive content on social studies
Grades: K-12
National Geographic Education Focus: Lessons and activities on social studies and geography
Grades: K-12
The Kid Should See This Focus: Curated videos on history
Grades: K-12
Teaching Tolerance Focus: Lessons for students on social justice and anti-bias
Grades: K-12
Focus: Lessons and activities on civics, current events, free speech
Grades: 3-12
PBS Learning Media Focus: Videos, lessons, and interactive content on the arts, including dance, music, theater, and visual art
Grades: K-12
Focus: Lessons on art history
Grades: K-12
The Kid Should See This Focus: Curated videos on art and music
Grades: K-12
National Geographic Education Focus: Lessons and activities on art and music
Grades: K-12
NCMA Learn Focus: Videos, lessons, and other resources on art making and art history
Grades: K-12
Common Sense Education Focus: Lessons on online privacy, cyberbullying, media literacy
Grades: K-12
Be Internet Awesome Focus: Resources and games on digital citizenship and online safety
Grades: K-5
Focus: Lessons and activities on media literacy and free speech
Grades: 3-12
Focus: Identifying misinformation and "fake news" online
Grades: 6-12
PBS Learning Media Focus: Learn Spanish
Grades: K-12
Focus: Learn a variety of languages
*Requires a San Diego Public Library Card*
Grades: 3-12
BookFlix Focus: Videos of children's books plus eBooks in Spanish *Requires a San Diego Public Library Card*
Unite for Literacy Focus: Picturebooks narrated in a variety of languages
Britannica Escolar Focus: Encyclopedia in Spanish *Requires a San Diego Public Library Card*
Brainfuse HelpNow Focus: Live homework help with online tutors available in Spanish *Requires a San Diego Public Library Card*
Unite for Literacy Focus: Picturebooks narrated in a variety of languages
Grades: K-2
BookFlix Focus: Book videos and eBbooks with accompanying lessons and games *Requires a San Diego Public Library Card*
Grades: K-5
Storyline Online Focus: Videos of children's books read aloud plus curriculum
Grades: K-5
cloudLibrary Focus: eBooks and eAudiobooks for reading and being read to *Requires a San Diego Public Library Card*
Grades: K-12
Focus: eBooks to support learning and research in multiple subject areas, including English/Language Arts, Math, Science, Technology, Social Studies, Health, Physical Education, and Information Literacy
*Requires a San Diego Public Library Card*
Brainfuse HelpNow Focus: "Skill Surfer" section provides practice for AP, PSAT, SAT, ACT, GED, ASVAB, TOEFL, US Citizenship *Requires a San Diego Public Library Card*
Peterson's Test and Career Prep. Focus: AP, PSAT, SAT, ACT, CLEP, GED, TOEFL, US Citizenship, and much more *Requires a San Diego Public Library Card*
Driving Tests Focus: Practice the California driver’s license test, read the DMV handbooks, and find FAQs